Online Photo Submission FAQ

1. Who is eligible to use the Online Photo Submission Application?

Current students, staff, and faculty are eligible to use the online photo submission process.

2. What are the requirements for the photo submitted?

To ensure your photo is accepted, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Must be a recent color photo with a white or off-white background (taken within the last 6 months)
  • Front facing, full face and shoulders in view (have someone else take the picture for you if possible to avoid selfie style photo)
  • Image should be properly focused with no borders or shadows
  • Neutral expression or natural smile
  • No sunglasses. Eyeglasses should be worn if normally used. No glare on eyeglasses if applicable
  • Cannot wear hat or head covering unless for religious or medical reasons
  • Cannot wear headphones, ear buds, etc.
  • Filters commonly used on social media are unacceptable
  • Uploaded file should be type Jpeg, minimum 1 megapixel density (most modern cell phones and digital cameras meet or exceed this requirement)
  • Note that you will be able to resize and re-center your photo during the submission process

3. Do I need to notify the ID Center once I upload my photo?

No, once you submit your photo you do not need to take any additional action to notify us. All communications regarding the status of your USFCard will be sent to your USF email account. Please check your email periodically to verify the status of your submission. You should receive a response within three business days.

4. How will I know if my photo was accepted?

The ID Center will send an email to your USF email address to inform you if your photo was accepted or rejected.

5. Where will I pick up my USFCard?

Please see the USFCard Center website for card distribution details.

6. Can anyone else pick up my USFCard for me?

No, you are the only person who may pick up your USFCard.

7. Can I get a USFCard if I don't submit a photo online?

All card requests are intended to be submitted online. If you are unable to submit a request online or have an urgent need for a card, please contact the Card Center at

8. How can I obtain a replacement USFCard?

Requests for replacement of lost, damaged, or missing USFCards must be made in person at the USFCard Center.